Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

I really wish we could all take some of the pressure and stress you and Morgan face. They watch you and her closely because you have impact and a devout following. never give up, never surrender. never compromise.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

I have not seen the video clip but I know your humor. And though probably not the best joke, you are human and authentically you. I defended you today without even knowing the full story. Why!? Because I trust my gut with you. Thabk you for clarifying. It's exactly what I expected. The faux outrage on social media was disheartening that I had to unfollow those who propagated the video in the first place. They will use whatever tool at their exposal. Including those who have no friggin clue what they are doing and the ramifications for their following the herd. Are humans really into sensationalism and adding their two cents to every thing that comes their way without discernment? I care about you. Please be careful Jeremy. Be who you are but be smart about it. I've got your back because I believe in you, my friend. I may sound crazy to you but I don't care. My friends in high places, please watch over Jeremy and keep him safe. Love you man!

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

You’re a good man, Jeremy. What can I say? I don’t care. Small potatoes. Time to move on.

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You broke our deal. We agreed you don't talk about me, I won't talk about you. I have the emails to prove it. I saw what you said. Let's see how this works out.

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Do the HR folks at Melfort Hospital know what you're up to , Crystal Stiglich?

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Hey Brian why don’t you do the world a favour and get drunk as usual and go for a drive! Make sure you have no seat belt and drive real real fast towards a wall or off a fucking bridge!

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That's not very nice, Chantelle.

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Lulz you think you know everything! Wrong

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Well expressed. Probably not the smartest of drunken comments. We've all been there. You owned that. And on that point ALONE, you're far ahead of the vast majority of the cowards leaving their stench on this country. It's difficult to recognise the place that I remember from years past.

It's cowardice & lack of "code" or self-respect that's let things go this far, in response to weak, lying criminals. Times are changing. We're winning. Hang tough.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

Not only is PP disingenuous he is lying when he says he just heard about Diagolon a month ago. He was present in parliament when MPs were discussing it and sharing fake intelligence reports during the EA debate.

Don’t let Morgen settle the theft charge. The crown will never have a case for conviction without proving intent Mens Rea. Make them withdraw the charge.

Where can I help with lawyer fees?

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

Political exit from Smol PP. Now he can wash his hands from shaking yours in public.

Calling all of us losers while we endured and persisted. We didn’t cucked, we didn’t falter. We congregated and you made it lighter to bear it all through humour.

I agree that joke was more a drunk rant. Of course they took it out of context, it’s their only weapon. But now, it’s clear where the libcons stands on this. Not that we didn’t know.

As for the ones throwing rocks, they should give a bit of introspection in what they’re responsible. Always easier to point fingers then to look through a mirror and see the flaws in oneself.

Pro Patria. \\\ God bless you JM and always a friend.

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Im 63 and have known for a couple of decades now , Canada is a country of Cowards ! I dont mean the standup people they know who they are. Me included ,ive had my times of stepping up and out only to get that proverbial knife in the back . What i have come to understand is this EVIL layer of society has psycholgically destroyed the fabric of Canada.

Only standup people like YOU Jeremy AND Morgan are going to help people learn how to stand up again if possible . Stand strong WE NEED YOU !

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

Intoxication is a legitimate legal defence for Rape and Murder in Canada, another thing you found Odious when the bill was recently passed. Apparently not for satire / sarcastic coments about it though….that are taken WAY out of context . They have no problem with the ACT just the word ?

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"Stupid people react to jokes about bad things the way that smart people react to the actual bad thing" - Ricky Gervais on rape jokes

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Morgan, in the midst of battles, it is true that the strongest steel comes from the hottest fire.

You were admirable and will only get stronger.

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So having a bad reaction to a rape joke makes one stupid?

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Wow. Rape jokes aren't funny Jeremy. This really says a lot about the kind of person you are. Insensitive egotistical jerk. I wonder how you would react if someone said the same about Morgan? Or your daughter? Don't answer, I don't care. Bye

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Amy, the left take a crumb and try to erect a story built on lies and innuendo. You have fallen for their ploy.

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THIS🙌 💯 True. The Greasy manipulation of our scuzzy govt. Hits real close to home if you know what I mean. Jeremy “you are ahead by a century”. Old Soul. All of it.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022

Yes and Amen brother! Way past time people call a spade a spade and start facing up to shit show reality this country has become.

I freely admit, some of your humour...and music selections, are not my style. I am an old veteran, Grandma of 15, that's fine. I tune it out. Your show, that I choose to watch.

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Jeremy- as you’re already painfully aware, you (unfortunately or not) are the voice to the many Canadians in this country who echo and share your disdain and sorrow for our country and the trajectory it’s on but lack the eloquence, the intelligence, the brashness, the commitment and at times the testicular fortitude to say how they really feel out loud. To be fair, or perhaps naïve, I feel most of us in Canada have this common experience, as the expression goes in Japan “ the nail that sticks out gets hammered” and far to many of us are scared of the proverbial hammer.

Whereas You and Morgan have not shrunken from it but to a degree, embraced the hammer and many people draw on your strength, that’s what helps others stand is leaning on others strength. Shitty but true.

Perhaps drunken tirades are Ill-advised, merely from the point that it is easy politically to score points and feign offense and play victim for PP and the long list of others. Unfortunately for the soft middle that we have in our “cuntry” where their opinions are easily swayed by the “latest thing” that’s where the danger is in my mind. All of your hard work and the many others beside you could potentially be undone for cheap political points. Myself, I could give two to three flying fucks about some hurt feelings report to the Gestapo over some drunken shenanigans.

I admire your convictions and your commitment and compassion, as well as Morgan’s.

My only disappointment right now, is that I have not met you in person and had the opportunity to call you my friend.

“A true hero is not measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart” -Hercules

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis!

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💯 Agree. Adding to this would take away from the sheer eloquence & power of this comment. Gratitude.

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Well written. Very on point. Continue on.

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As you have previously stated, PP is a ‘Professional Politician’, and as such, seemingly ‘kills two birds with one stone’: publicly distancing himself from you and Diagolon while appearing to defend his wife: Political Points. Even though you may have supplied him with that stone, maybe he regrets throwing it so soon... Once again, you have contextualized so well some of the many problems plaguing this country; it should serve the PP well to pay attention to the serious stuff and impress Canadians with real action with real meaning. If he truly wants to make this the freest country on earth, your and our ‘mistakes’ are part of that freedom. You have apologized, but where is his? He supported the mandate bullshit and never refused any pay raise. He may have said all the ‘right’ things to become leader, but in such a vacuum of opposition, I bet Phillip could have made a serious run! He may have quenched the thirst of many desperate people but that was the easy part. To be a politician in this country, you must either be corrupt or corruptible: with nearly 400 ‘classmates’ in the House, what are the chances that a majority suddenly develops a collective conscience and starts thinking about Canadians instead of themselves?! He must have some serious ‘backing’ to be able to sell that to a few hundred spoiled MPs! You may have supplied him with that stone: I guess we’ll see if he lives in a glass house...

We are happy to hear Morgan is free and safe; keep fighting the good fight, this minor flesh wound will heal! \\\

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Pretty sad a man hoping to lead a country doesn’t do his own investigating prior to a public post…..just another reactionary politician running on emotion. A level headed, regulated, logical person would have a quiet investigation rather than come to any conclusion based on a 30 second video. Pathetic.

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Sep 27, 2022Liked by Jeremy MacKenzie

I stopped listening to your show months ago, not because I don't like you as a person, a fellow brother in arms, but because there's no point. Nobody is listening man. They're gonna keep going with their plan, why the fuck do we keep playing into their ploys? they don't care. Why the hell aren't we conquering them?? Stop falling for the lib con bird fellas, stop voting. F this shit.

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It's entertainment for a reason. Podcasts and tv shows are not going to solve any problems on their own. Community networking and unified people working towards common goals, however, can.

People are cowering and trying to pander to the political parties to get them to like them - when it should be the other way around. They havn't earned even an ounce of my respect, so they receive none.

They have gotten away with literal murder and worse, but then feign outrage over something so innocuous. It's a joke of a country.

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"something so innocuous" like threatening to rape the future First Lady of Canada? Like you said, you were drunk and don't remember most of it so you should get a pass because LOOK what they've done! Victimology 101

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“Community networking and unified people working towards common goals”


From my pov our constitution has a lot to do with this place being a huge joke, the British document is so old it sees no difference over time, a tax slave we remain 150 years later.

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You're black pilled. The worst kind of coward

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Why haven’t you killed Ivan yet?

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Thank you Jeremy. You are right. Guys do guy talk, Gals do gal talk. The govt only cares in this case as it was spoken of one of their own. Like you said, parts were cut out, that is their norm. They are scum. Doesn't matter what any of us say they take it and warp it out of context. If you had been talking about any other person it would have flew over their heads. There is so much more that is wrong that should be looked at and you are RIGHT, they just won't as it doesn't suit their agenda. Take care

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Thank you for speaking out...myself and thousands of others stand with you as well...im glad I waited to get your side of the story...like everything else it didn't make any sense...always by your side in NB 🙏🙏🙏

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