thanks for sacrificing yourself to keep our moral and spirits up during this attempted communist/evil takeover. my wife and I have been following you for the last 5 years and you have kept us sane in this world of insanity. when are you going to have any flags for sale again mine is already tattered and need to be replaced?

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HAMAS spent years planning the Oct 7th attack.


• They built tunnels for themselves, hundreds of miles long.

• They launch their missiles from Schools and Hospitals.

• HAMAS knew that Israel would respond strongly, but they did not build even one bomb shelter for civilians.


HAMAS propaganda constantly talks about the need for Civilians to make sacrifices.


OK, can you figure out who it is that is responsible for Civilian Deaths in GAZA ???





Wondering what this has to do with CANADA ??? Here’s your answer …


The revenues from oil sales are buying a huge amount of publicity in CANADA, the US, the UK, etc., etc.





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Thank you Jeremy for your integrity and for always being there. Your work and time is priceless. God willing my two son's will be a part of "Second Sons Canada" \\\

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Thanks for caring so much! Keep up the great work!

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It's too bad that boomer bashing seems to be the default. I have been fighting govt for decades. Phone calls from mayors, bags full of complaints to media that actually got printed., nefarious dealings with Chinese real estate agents. But when you ask zoomers to resolve these matters they accuse you of starting a fight. I am looking for resolutions, not conflicts. I am willing to finance good solutions, but zoomers seem to just want to spend their time accusing boomers of failing them. Perhaps I will spend my minuscule "boomer riches" elsewhere. I am so sick of the accusations. Good luck zoomers. You will need it.

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Thank you for the Rage Tour. I couldn't make it to any of the events due to my slave labour never being completed. When the time comes for the call to be answered. Diagalon can count on me to be there. By that time things will be so upside down, we'll be "living in a car down by the river!"

All hail Phillip. All hail Diagalon!

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Pierre & Justin have been in the communist club for many decades. Don't entertain anything without God Jeremy. I had a blessed rosary to give you along with the blueberry pie. I'll send it to Derek so he can hopefully relay. Trump has Norman Vincent Peale power house horse shoes up his butt hopefully to realize how bamboozling. fake Joos are. Finally I am giving up the bottom bunk. I will gladly take the top.

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All I need to know is: where to send the giant tubs of sweet, sweet mayonnaise (and fresh quiche) for Jeremy to enjoy.

Right foot, left foot, just keep marching. Canada is still worth fighting for. 🇨🇦

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You are a very intelligent and courageous young man. Thank you!

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Pro patria

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Your words your efforts bring sanity to a country gone to shit. I appreciate your efforts and have a great deal of reading to catch up on in regards to your work. Looking forward to further developments on the club. I would like to know how I can be help and be better prepared for what's to come. Thank you for all you do. Glad to see real people and want to be a part of that. Cheers Ray M from Ottawa

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👏👏👏🤗 thank you for the belly laughs followed by the rally cry! I take great solace hearing about plans …thank you for your amazing Canadian example of courage !!!

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Good job.

I thought you and your colleagues might come by a little bit of trouble when I wrote the July 29th, 2023 Freedom Forum post, " Roasting the Press Episode 35 for Sunday, July 28th, 2024, " at https://chuckblack.substack.com/p/roasting-the-press-episode-35-for.

It's good to see I was wrong.

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Jeremy, I bought two tickets to the Hamilton venue and I had wanted to ask you a question. Unfortunately, when you came on stage, my sister became ill (the chicken wings perhaps) and we left quickly. Damn! I’ve been watching you since the Dalhousie YouTube video and I had to leave. My question is, what is up with the milkshakes? You crack me up when you say, ‘mmmmm, milkshakes but I don’t know why.

Another point, when you stayed in Burlington, you were probably less than a kilometre from my house. I would have gladly had you all over for a swim and bbq. Next time.

I’ve got an idea for an east coast dag party. Although I spent my childhood in Brooklin near the Bay of Fundy and New Glasgow where my brother still lives, I never heard of riding the tide in digby. I saw videos of the mud fights and bbq after the run and thought that is something I’d like to put on my bucket list. Did you ever do that Jeremy?

Seems like that would be a blast!


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Great read. I couldn't make it to the terror tour but I've been a supporter of the streams for a couple years. Looking forward to seeing what the Second Sons mens group turns into!

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Thanks for the impact and improvement you've made on me as a man.

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HAMAS spent years planning the Oct 7th attack.


• They built tunnels for themselves, hundreds of miles long.

• They launch their missiles from Schools and Hospitals.

• HAMAS knew that Israel would respond strongly, but they did not build even one bomb shelter for civilians.


HAMAS propaganda constantly talks about the need for Civilians to make sacrifices.


OK, can you figure out who it is that is responsible for Civilian Deaths in GAZA ???





Wondering what this has to do with CANADA ??? Here’s your answer …


The revenues from oil sales are buying a huge amount of publicity in CANADA, the US, the UK, etc., etc.




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