You, Jeremy, are one of the most wittiest, strongest, truest, and bravest Canadian MEN this country has to offer. And, those who attack you are nothing short of putrid, vile slime balls (slime on putrid balls?). Stay strong and keep the faith! You have many at your back. I thank you for your service.

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You SIR, speak with the wisdom of a man twice your age; no doubt attributed to some of the unenviable experiences you have endured. However those helped shaped you, they certainly haven’t defined you. It is clear that you are a true Canadian Son. A real man with an old soul. Your wisdom and humour balances out your understandable rage. After all, your country has let you down; it has let all of us down. The men, (and women) who troll and pursue you only wish they had even a small portion of the integrity you display and the respect you have earned. Canada needs you. We know that you realize you have helped ‘wake’ people up but there are still so many sleeping. Keep up the good fight, you are truly making a difference and you have no idea how much you are appreciated for what you have done and what you continue to do. You have helped galvanize a group of lost and desperate Canadian souls into a citizenry which has once again found its identity. For that, we salute you! \\\

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I see them too. And, I’m a forester. Hehe.

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Much respect...\\\

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Well said Jeremy. As you said, the TRUTH shall set you free. You possess unfathomable courage, and ever mightier spirit.

They’ve played their hand, now it’s time to play yours. You’ve called their bluff, and now they’ll be forced to show.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your service, everything you have done, and continue to do. You have been a beacon of light during one of the darkest times.

Just know, that I and MANY others are right beside and behind you.

We’ve got your 6.



“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6:10-13‬ ‭KJV‬‬

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Glad to see you here. What's up with the censorship in the comments on your Telegram channel?

A comment is somehow not to your liking & you do what the gov't does? I appreciate your effort. That's not the way forward.


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Nothing should be censored on my channel. People are free to say and do as they please.

I just don’t allow content posts from other channels. I keep my channel curated to news and events taking place in our country, more specifically my province, my city.

I keep my channel clear from scammers, bots, and do my best to keep up on all things Canada. I also do my best to keep it free of fake news. There are MANY channels that don’t, and if you peak around, you’ll notice the mess that most of them are in.

This is psychological, spiritual and weaponized media warfare against the people. We “the PEOPLE” need clarity now, more then ever.

Onwards and upwards


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Sometimes my efforts seem unappreciated. I know I ain’t shit..but hey at least I made it...

..this far.

For y'all that didn’t wish me success. Heres my biggest flaw, I still wish y’all the best.

And thru it all I kept a level head. I listened to GOD and ignored what the devil said...

-Jin 🔥


I do appreciate your work & would offer thanks, if I hadn't been censored or blocked for some unknown reason.

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lol, was wondering how this made it over here.

My post wasn’t directed at any specific. Just for the haters.

Shoot me a pm and we’ll talk on TG. Well get to the bottom of this.


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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

Love you bro \\ #istandwithjeremymacKenzie

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You are the true measure of a man. History will honor you as a legendary leader. You have the unwavering support of a community stacked with solid patriots, a community you built and is growing by the day……

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Yes they will, this community will erect a statue at some point for this guy.

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Well said Rage! \\\

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Bitches of Diagolon Unite!


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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

Never Capitulate. We work round the clock for you Mein Führer

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I saw you on Viva Frei. I am a new subscriber here. Jeremy you have an amazing way with words. I am worried for my kids and grandkids future, a concern I never would have imagined even a couple years ago. I have spent the past 6 months learning all I can about “the world & Canada” & where I fit into the whole “mess”.

THANK YOU Jeremy, for all of the information (and wonderfully funny content) you provide. Faye

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Please be careful! Thank you for your humor, and meme trolling. It sure has lifted my spirits!

Stay strong, and safe. We all know you have them in a corner and the extent of the Corruption within the RCMP is slowly being revealed.

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I am honored to stand behind you and with you Jeremy. You are a worthy man. You speak to truth. We are in a spiritual war, my friend. And you've been chosen as a soldier, again, to fight this battle. You are courageous, honorable and you are a beautiful soul. I can guarantee you, spiritually you are guided and watched over. I'm not talking religiously either. Peace be with you.


Jenette (KY ☯️)

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

Jeremy so very well written. I "found" you during the convoy days, maybe shortly after. I am a nurse and was a single mom that was put on unpaid LOA for my personal medical decisions Nov 30/21. I already battled with chronic depression/anxiety, PTSD and ADHD and being an empath (makes me a damn good nurse), anyway I got overpowered by my feelings of despair due to finances from the loa (no income for 4 mos) and then suffered a shedding injury in Feb from a friend that received his 3rd jab to be able to keep working. I spent almost 3 mos being unable to get out of bed. Enough about me, I found your pod cast and started watching you and your truth started giving me hope that I wasn't alone. I'm the only one in my circle of friends that had to make a choice about job or jab. Watching your podcasts and listening to what your supporters had to say gave me strength. You speak truth with a righteous anger for very good reason. Your podcasts help keep my sanity and help me to know I'm not alone in how angry I feel at times. When you explained "nobody gets on the truck" I started thinking exactly. So thank you for absolutely everything you have done for this country, abroad and here; for the sacrifices you made and continue to make. I really hope I get the pleasure of meeting you. Never give up. \\\

I need to add, my employer called me back.....jabbed you may ask? nope still a pureblood. So no jabs, no testing nothing changed since November 2021. I asked "Whats the difference between then and now?" I got told I don't know. So my life was almost destroyed, lost 6 mos of emotmebt for what...I'll tell you the difference now I'm angry and don't care. I speak the truth even at work, what are they going to do fire me? That would just add to the lawsuit. I went back as a means to an end on my own terms. Thanks again for all you do.

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No one gets on the truck.

When a stranger risks their existence for the greater good, you stand by them.

This stranger will do so


"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, Rage against the dying of the light"

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Meme warfare........new way of fighting..meme medic.. hope someone takes it and spreads it. LOVE Diagolon. I heard Rachel Gilmore is from vaginalon. Is it true? Asking for a friend.

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Meme warfare........new way of fighting..meme medic.. hope someone takes it and spreads it. LOVE Diagolon. I heard Rachel Gilmore is from vaginalon. Is it true?

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Yes!! As usual, this was incredibly well written! Jeremy you are man of many many talents! Never change. We’ll miss you this weekend but will stay in touch thorough out! \\\DTS \\\

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