What is motivating Trump to take this bellicose attitude? The Liberal government and many of the provinces, notably B.C., have been captured and compromised by the CCP. I watched a horrifying video on The Bureau, a Substack channel, last week. The host was interviewing Sam Cooper, author of Willful Blindness. In his book, written in the last few years, Cooper details, in great detail, how the CCP courted Teudeau and B.C.'s premier at the time, Christy Clark. Trudeau was witnessed sitting down in Toronto's Chinatown speaking openly with identified spies posing as businessmen. Remember when the Turd admitted he admired China's basic dictatorship? That came after he made deals with the CCP. Since then, the commies have influenced several federal elections and provincial ones too. Cooper noted that Christy Clark became very wealthy in a short time. How did the Vancouver housing boom blow up so fast? Billions of dollars invested by the CCP. A guy in the US State department commended Cooper on his research and I know Trump will not tolerate Chinada much longer. And I don't blame him. Trudeau Sr told our country out in 1974 when he gave our Bank of Canada to the Bank of International Settlements. Trudeau Jr sold this country to the Chinese Cimmunist Party - for a few pieces of silver. Executions are required followed by the deportation of at least 2 million gimmigrants.

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The North American Union has been planned for 30+ yrs.

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I am aware of that. The Amero was to be currency of the Canada-US- Mexico union.

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If aware, why designate T as belicose? Do you think he has options?? He's just another bag-boy.

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Because he is an utter filthy lying dramatic bullshitting creep of a man who has plundered us

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this is a difficult question. You might recall, that the idea of a North American bloc, as a counter to a presumed European and Asian bloc(s), has been around for a long time indeed (noted as being just this side of inevitable).

In the meantime, I would refer you to the CSIS report that spoke to the fact that China has influenced every federal election in Canada since Mulroney.... if true, it hasn't been our country for four decades. There is an argument, in fact, to make that says Canada is dead, and our government killed it.

Joining with the US, completing the process begun in 1988 with the original FTA, might not be such a bad move in view of all the things against us at present. President Trump can bluster all he wants about why the US needs Canada.... if nothing else, to prevent the Chinese from taking it, would be a first answer to that question.

I am exquisitely aware of our history, and our pride in that history... but there are strong indications that our history is not entirely as advertised, and hasn't been for a long time. Canada has been a lie since the NEP.... at least.

Mike in Canada

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For the totalitarian takeover the less “countries” the better! That’s what they want…

One world One government it seems.

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As noted, this is a difficult question.... on the one hand, it would be nice to have a constitution that was more than just a legal fiction. On the other, I like being Canadian; we get along with everyone, which might be why we don't have a recognizable identity (we just fit in).

Either way, it is clear that there are many things afoot in the world right now (your comment is the elephant in the room, or at least one of them), and the backdrop to our issues here at home is one of troubling scope.

I am grateful for the opportunity to discuss this rationally, though, like adults....

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We don’t want new world order! We’re sovereign but in trouble big time!! Meilei’s thinking is brilliant and we could use some of his strategies. Confederation requires a revisit again!! Provinces bringing in more income should have more say in how we’re run. P.E.T. methods were destructive. Collectively we need to demand a vote, Justin has abandoned thankfully maybe a carbon tax vote could bring in CPC Pierre Poilievre. He’s reasonable, an excellent orator and democratic!! Carbon tax election NOW! 🇨🇦 💥 🫶🏻

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And there's the other problem... I like PP. He seems like a really good guy, someone you could maybe sit down and have a rational discussion with. Compared to many of his colleagues in parliament, he's actually sane.

It's just that... when you remember his approach to the Truckers, and the way he hurriedly jumped on that bandwagon once he saw how hugely popular it was; when you recall what he said about the notvaxx, and how he supported all of Justins policies along with everyone else; and when you consider his stated policies on immigration, and how great it would be to have more of it...well, he's doing a very good impression of someone who is spending all his time figuring out what you want to hear, and then saying that ( and the sloganeering is, frankly, beyond irritating).

Like Agent Mulder, I want to believe. I really do. That CSIS report is a game changer, however... the implications are stunning, and receiving no press at all. PP certainly isn't discussing it, preferring to accumulate political points by punching at the low-hanging fruit that is Justin the Retarded.

After the covid bullshit, and the increase in taxes for no good reason (for the record, the climate changes all the time; the question is, did your car do it? The answer is, not by a long shot. The fact that China's activities are never included in our discussions on this subject, at any level, is revealing indeed), and the abuse of the gun control idea, and the overreach that government is all-too-ready to implement at the slightest provocation (whether justified or not), to say nothing of the endless examples of rules-for-thee-but-not-for-me-or-my-family-or-anyone-in-government-lets-be-honest...

I am at the point where the best solution would be for these career politicians to take a moment and fuck right off somewhere.

And then maybe we could get some actual work done. The way things are going, the alternative is going to be distinctly unpleasant.

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Trudeau bows to Bejing, have you seen how subservient he is to Xi on the world stage? Justin is neutered!! So glad we could bring in Poilievre CPC to correct (🤞🏻) the mess LPC/NDP created!! New ways, fiscally responsible ways to pay down the $63B (eep! 😡)

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Justin should take a walk in the snow like his namesake did in the 80s!!!

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ok first, is the land area known as canada a sovereign nation the answer is no. ok next is there a constitution ratified by the people? again no. next, does the current government structure actually represent the people that inhabit the land again no it's an illusion. the next question is important, is the word canada a company name and logo or is it a nations name? so basically how can you remain 'canada" when essentially it has always been an illusion. our sovereignty has never been solved or finalized. so what to do? well if we stay with our current fake monarchy system we will end up like Venezuela or mexico and who wants that it's not even warm here. the people who believe that they are Canadians can still be Canadians as a state, people in Texas are still Texans. no matter "canada" needs to solve this identity issue at least if we become a state we will have a constitution that will hopefully get rid of the elite parasites that Shepard us now. I do know there has been much work towards sovereignty in alberta already ( http://historylessonsdeleted.blogspot.com/2020/03/declaration-alberta.html?m=1) as each province has been sovereign since the 1931 staute of westminster. I believe the offer of becoming a state isn't a bad thing as long as every single person has a say and with new block chain technology it can be secure as well. if not well we are fucked and it won't matter anyway.

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I was wondering where Jeremy went.

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I havn't posted here as often since I was economically blacklisted but I will still post from time to time when something comes to me. Ragingdissident.com has all of my links.

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Trump might represent the best solution to Canada's fading fortunes. We are ruled by spoiled femboy condo dwellers living on public money. We've thrown away our massive resources industries and replaced with a real estate flipping bubble based on printed money. There are no doctors and most people can't afford to buy a house. Canada is not sustainable on our present dead end road.

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Chinada can fuck itself. We deserve every harm and consequence that comes our way. Its on us. Weak cowardly and arrogant describes most Chinadians.

Hang every treasonous lietician and bureau rat and own up to the communist shithole that we are and maybe we have another shot.

If trump comes a knockin my housecoat is open.

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I also believe canada is already a state and it is now playing out.

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not only that Canadians can't do math 35 million no military vs 350 million with the greatest military hmmmmm wonder how that would turn out

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Trump isnt author of idea of annexing. The North American Union has been planned for >30 yrs.

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I would prefer to remain Canada. Unfortunately I am like you and see to many people who just don't see, don't want to see and couldn't care less. The other side of this is Canada has been so damaged by its politicians in the last many years, going back a ways that people don't even stand up to that. The attitude is ,,, oh well, guess that is what it is and they carry on with their card carrying and spending ways with little to no regard at all. It is a sad state of affairs.

Do I think the States has to do something about Canada as it is and being their neighbor? I sure do. This Beautiful Country of Canada is now a threat really to the States with all that has transpired here by our so called politicians. With the garbage that has been allowed into Canada that can pass rather easily into the States from our border.

I am sure that lower prices et al that may take place in the States is looking pretty good to a majority of people in Canada just now. I just don't think this is the way to go at all.

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Well said, the question does really come down to how long the US will tolerate the slide to globo neuvo-communism at their northern border. It would appear their patience may be about to rapidly diminish.

I'd also rather remain canadian, but the sad truth is this place, despite a vast wealth of resources, is functionally broke, and broken. Highest taxes, for lowest return, of damn near anywhere, barely functional health care, but hey at least it's "free" (what a crock of crap), a government behemoth that at this point will ve almost impossible to shrink to a manageable and realistic size, and a population that has forgotten any common culture, if we ever had one, and been overrun by new arrivals now fighting their foreign wars and disagreements in our streets, entirely unimpeded by our so called law enforcement.

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We need that guy from Argentina to fly north and chop the bureaucracy by 55%. I believe the increased size of the gov't was intended to manage the fake carbon economy and administer fines for incorrect speech and thought on social media.

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you will always be canadian just like a person from Texas will always be Texans

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No chance at all. Compare the DIEverSHITty woke troops here with the troops in the USA. Turdo senior started the destruction of the armed forces and his lying puke of a fake son continued.

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I wonder how many chapters there are? I feel like we are in a crazy story. I shall never forget or forgive. Gramma

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I wish it were not so. Michael Yon, an expert on global immigration invasions as weapon to destroy sovereign nations, and in the Americas arriving via the Darian gap in Panama, says Canada is already done for due to being dominated by the Chinese and East Indians, and others.

- In our Parliament we see Turbins and hear Punjabi.

-In major Canadian centers Chinese- run police stations exist.

-Chinese election interference has surfaced.

-The Canadian Forces accommodate the training of Chinese military on Canadian soil including ones I have seen north of Whistler BC and on Salt Spring Island in B.C.

-Economically the Chinese have dominated in Canada for decades especially in real estate ownership and now in farmland.

- Over half of the Trudeau Cabinet is a Klaus Schwab /WEF trainee including Trudeau and Singh with an agenda to eliminate the sovereignty of Canada.

Maybe the Canada that was truly no longer is. Maybe a US invasion of Canada, especially economic, would be resisted only by China and India to protect Canadian assets they consider to be theirs. Maybe the numbers of sovereign Canadians are too few.

Trump seems to intend to unleash an easy cakewalk over Canada and

Greenland. Is he the "master of his soul and the captain of his ship" or are there masters pulling his strings????

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Jeezis xist on a stik~if u hafta ask is frumpy trumpy making his own decisions, then u probly believe he wuz shot.

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This country is so fucked

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When Alex Jones has talked about a takeover-it's going to happen.

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Canada couldn’t defend itself against any other military. We have no battle ships or destroyers, no planes, no submarines, only ww2 tanks and automatic weapons, we have no surface to air missiles, dead in the water we would be. We do have a highly trained military, short of thousands of staff with no equipment to fight with. DEI and transgender ideology have pretty much killed any possibility of recruitment, along with lack of military equipment.

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I think it will be much harder for Trump to convince men in his army to shoot Canadians than it will be for (mostly rural) Canadians to shoot invaders.

The vast expanse of Canada is not the Chinada that you see in cities. While we are being infiltrated and diluted, small town Canada and rural Canada is still a 'get 'r done' nation. We are still builders and farmers and family people who will defend ourselves till the end to protect our way of life. We are often hiding in plain sight, but if you want to see who we are, go back and look at the overpasses when the truckers drove by. That was us. We are still here.

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Agreed as always. Nature hates a vacuum.

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Canada was a fabrication of the British imperialists in mid 19th century as a blockade to counter US revolutionary ideology and expansion that threatened British power. The British actively supported the Confederacy to break up the US. Since then Canada has been an active participant in British and American military adventures across the world. Waving maple leaf flags is encouraged by the oligarchy as a pacifier for the masses bc the oligarchy has become wealthy under Canadian state protection. Economic or political union would destroy their privileged position and expose the Canadian oligarchy to US competition.

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