I can’t recall specifically where I was or what I was doing when the first real piano key tone of dread rang through my bones about the potential for government abuse of the people.
I do remember however, that it was Stephen Harper’s “conservative” government and Bill C-51 that was the genesis for my political education in Canada.
At the time, considered and regarded by many to be Canada’s ‘patriot act’ the general rhetoric and attitude was much the same. “Keeping Canadians safe” and other malevolent platitudes masquerading as protection. What it did was hand the keys to your privacy over to law enforcement and government ‘security’ agencies that today, primarily harass and intimidate Canadian citizens for political purposes.
The contemporary state ‘security’ apparatus is nothing more than a cheap facade for political activism - specifically radical marxist indoctrination.
Back in the C-51 days, seeing a phrase like ‘neo marxist indoctrination’ would have made my eyes glaze over as well. Eventually the calluses in your mind will harden against the repeated exposure to bullshit political nerd phrases, I promise.
The marxist, communist agenda and method of cultural subversion has been around for over one hundred years. Birthed in Europe by anti-white racist psychopaths, culminated in the bloody revolution in Russia post world war one where the royal family (Czar Nicholas) was overthrown and butchered with his entire family, daughters visciously bayonneted to death along with tens of millions of Russians in the ensuing years.
For the modern ADHD adjusted adult that would rather die than sit through any kind of information presentation longer than a tiktok video, here is a crash course in the cultural subversion by Yuri Bezmenov in 1984, ironically. Yuri defected to the west after a career of being essentially a brainwashing agent for the Soviet Union. He later died ‘mysteriously’ in Canada.
Growing up on authority skeptical personalities like George Carlin and Alex Jones, the prospect of a tyrannical state pursuing total control of your life at the barrel of a gun was more of a distant fantasy than a troubling reality. It was more fun and interesting to discuss and read about as the spectre of a global communist state seemed about as imminent as the medical industry curing profitable diseases.
That begain to change sometime around 2012 with a marked increase of what can only be described as ‘woke’ nonsense being pumped into mass media and culture at every turn that only accelerated with the years.
Clips like this certainly didn’t help to assuage my growing instinct and concern that something was very wrong with the world I was living in. If the September 11th attacks were enough to raise my suspicions of a power structure controlling our home lands that existed outside of our view or influence, the Corona-caust of 2020-2022 sealed the deal.
Having already read and enjoyed books like Nineteen Eighty Four, Brave New World and None Dare Call it Conspiracy, my mind had already been familiarized with the concept of state power run amok, unchallenged, omnipotent and the potential nightmare that could bring.
Has brought.
It turned out these books weren’t simply the imaginations of men but were based upon the very real day to day of people living under communist and totalitarian regimes across the world and what the end stage of theses cancers could look like if they were never challenged or stopped.
I learned about the bolshevik revolution in Russia, Castro and Che Guevara’s murderous bloodstorms, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Mao’s red guard, North Korea and how at one point nearly half the world had been consumed by the ‘global liberation’ of communism. An estimated One hundred million dead and counting under the blood red flag of ‘equality and liberation’ later, it was clear to me this was probably not a desireable offramp to take on the highway of life.

I’ve spent a fair amount of time studying this subject, so imagine my sarcastic jubilation and excitement when I started to notice the same patterns emerging here in my home and native land. I wasn’t the only one. In fact, many of the more outspoken voices about the dangers of the ‘security state’ we were developing into were people that had emigrated or escaped (literally) from behind the iron curtain of Europe or one of the other previously mentioned communist killing centers. Did anyone listen? Of course not - da leafs and da habs was on, by’!
Nothing stays the same, especially warfare. To understand the current one you may or may not be aware you are a participant in or a victim of, I recommend reading up on the concept of 5th generational warfare or 5GW.
The bolsheviks of today have learned that trying to fix and contain the western world at bayonet point is easier said than done. A complex and sophisticated system of psychological warfare was pioneered and unleashed upon the western world, as Yuri explains earlier. It takes a long time, but it works.

Others have called it the “totalitarian tip-toe”. A creeping, crawling, barely noticeable poison was the method until 2020. The mask came off and the true face of our ‘leadership’ was revealed to many for the first time. It would seem our wealthy owners grew impatient and decided to increase the temperature 20 degrees in one fell swoop, but the theories as to why will have to be for another day. I’m sure Epstein’s farmers market of enslaved children for global elites being leaked had something to do with it, though.
No communist hostile takeover is ever the same, as cultures, peoples and even geography can play a role. Many different rock bands have many different sounds and unique characteristics but the bottom line is - the genre is rock and roll. The communist manifesto of the early 20th century couldn’t have accounted for the internet or social media, but it is aggresively adapting after considerable disruption from 2016 onward by the very frustrating ‘alt-right’ global community using the freedom of the internet and social media to quickly proliferate this information.
In the past a handful of men could buy out the controlling umbrella companies presiding over newspapers and radio and have a monopoly on information. Opposition would be limited to a man on the street with a bullhorn and a home made sign that pedestrians would look upon as a common lunatic, reinforced by the stereotypes of the ‘conspiracy theorist’ in popular media.
Did you know the CIA intentionally populatized the term conspiracy theory to create a weaponized term to denigrate the very large amount of growing credible voices demanding an explanation to the obvious assasination cover-up of President Kennedy? The same CIA that strongly inferred in 1975 it had a near total control of the media, by the way.
I’m sure it’s gotten all cleared up since then though…
The thing is, despite the bands being different - the genre of communism has some very specific identifiers that distinguish it from anything other than a manifestation of pure anti human evil.
In each of the previous iterations of mass lunacy, specific objectives were achieved on the road to hell. The reason I have been able to ‘predict’ the moves of the state years in advance is because it isn’t a prediction at all. I’ve read this story many times already. The story goes like this -
Once upon a time, there was a country of people bound together by their common values, culture, ethnicity, history, myths, legends and ambitions. They were unified, healthy, strong and formidable. Reducing them to slavery would be a long road, but it had to start somewhere. The Frankfurt school of murderous bullshit after being scattered in the 30s had to make it’s home elsewhere.
They knew that to capture a people, first you must gain access to its youth. The poison entered the veins through the educational system. Slow at first, but introducing the soft frog minds of university students who would later go on to be leadership and controlling forces of their nations was critical. Over the years, this process blossomed into the fruit of the neo-marxist thinkers who became the judge, the lawyer, the psychologist, the professor, the doctor, the politician, the president. The universities, once a cherished and proud institution of higher learning in the western world had mutated into political activist centers in the 1960s and 70s that has worsened with time to the current environment where traditional, conservative thinkers in secondary academic instutitions are an endangered species and more rare than an honest politician or justified war.
With the leadership comfortable ensnared into the upside down inverse thinking of ‘progressivism’ which is simply a colloquialism for marxism, the real work could begin. ‘Safety, equality and tolerance’ are the new virtues to be pipe fed into the popular culture from the top down. Coming from all of these authoritative sources in media, academia, political leadership and bootlicking celebrity culture that will do anything for money, the following up and coming generations see no alarm in these ideas being championed from institutions they trust. I didn’t.
For completely no reason, you should subscribe to the recipient of government funding ‘Canadian Anti Hate’s’ Newsletter which takes you here.

With enough of the popular culture familiarized and ‘groomed’ to these ideas, we move to the next stage. Legislation.
The ‘problem, reaction, solution’ dialectic to which the state provides all three is utilized to maximum effect. “Oh no! There’s terrorism! Isn’t that scary you guys? You should be very afraid and concerned for your safety, ESPECIALLY your children! But not to worry, it just so happens we have the solution. We can keep you safe, if you’ll only grant us a little more power and influence over your lives.”
Scapegoating a foreign enemy with minimal ability to harm them, the security state began to gorge itself on taxpayer funding enabling and installing mass surveillance programs that completely disregard the norm of privacy. In the name of ‘safety’, all things are permissable.
After exhausting its middle class in quagmire wars for profit, destroying and burning out the strongest, healthiest men the surveillance security apparatus is turned inward. The terrorists are no longer abroad, they are at home waving national flags and demanding an explanation for the increasing anti-nationalist sentiment and behaviour from their ‘elected’ leaders. This is a no go for the power hungry communist so we’re going to need to put some policies in place to completely disable the populations means of protecting themselves from what comes next.
Information is tightly controlled and censored. Only the state narrative is permitted, all outside contrarian or dissenting thought is suppressed. Eventually, state legislation through political activism will make it against the law to oppose.
Mass private firearm ownership, the biggest and most powerful bullwark against the threat of a totalitarian state that would impose its malice in having a monopoly on violence, is removed. Weapons are no longer permitted to be in the hands of the ordinary citizen and are confiscated.
Food production is taken out of the hands of the population, private businesses and farmers and collectivized into the hands of the state for ‘proper distribution’, ‘environmental’ and of course ‘safety’ reasons.
A free market is crushed and replaced with a centrally planned economy where the state makes all economic decisions unilaterally and imposes it on the people, rather than be empowered by them.
A form of univeral basic income is implemented to provide the citizen with resources to cope with the increasing difficulty of this transition, unaware that this income he will come to rely on will be the bread the state can take away at any time for disobedience.
Finally, any resistance is formally criminalized. Without the ability to debate ideas in the public due to official censorship and no means to defend themselves after being disarmed, dissidents are quietly removed from society and sent to re-education centers or labor camps and prisons where they cannot cause problems.
If any of this sounds familiar, it should, because its the same story you are living through right now as thousands of men across the country are numbed out on SSRI’s, working a slave job they can never get ahead with nomatter how hard they work and drunkenly distracting themselves with bread and circuses.

At the same time, the ruling omni-party pretending to be Liberals have rammed through some interesting policy changes over the weekend without input from the vast majority of its members.
Presumably, to enforce a mandatory vaccination program for travel will require documents to check and state agents to check them. How lovely. This is entirely antithetical to the Canadian Charter of Rights, Bill of Rights, basic common sense, decency and the very idea of anyone smiling ever again.
Dr. Alfred Biderman studied prisoners of war captured by communists during the Korean war. Confused as to how the good old American boy could have scrambled eggs for brains, he discovered through his work the methods of communist coercion. Below are the pillars of the method on the left, compared to someones interpretation of the measures taken by the state regarding official “coronacaust” policy on the right.
You tell me if anything tracks, particularly on the left side.
Our own disaster readiness experts, who were completely ignored by the state and had their meticulously prepared emergency planning thrown out the window in favor of… whatever the fuck that is above on the Biderman chart.
Constantly evolving firearms restrictions, bans and obstacles to ownership.
Increasing pressure on tech companies, businesses, school boards, academia, institutions and individual citizens to conform to obedience under the threat of penalties, fines and even imprisonment for contradicting ‘state mandates’.
This worrying trend of course culminated in the now world famous Canadian trucker convoy of 2022. That winter, the mass amount of Canadians finally paying attention got to see a glimpse of the true face of who rules us.
The largest peaceful protest in Canadian history that after weeks of efforts by the state to disrupt and destroy resorted to terrorism themselves to dispel the unarmed protestors, many of whom were women and children.
What would you call using unmarked, anonymous guys in green coveralls with automatic weapons, armored cars, calvary, batons and tear gas to violently put down a popular movement demanding government accountability? It’s okay when they do it, right ?
Canada’s own criminal code defines terrorism as the use of intimidation or violence to acheive a political objective. The Canadian government and police forces are by our own legal definition, terrorists.
At least the Army refused to participate, so thanks for doing the bare minimum I guess boys! What am I kidding, I’m one of you - the bare minimum is the standard and we all know it. Pro Patria, boys.
"Accuse your opponent of what you are doing, to create confusion and to inculcate voters against evidence of your own guilt"
Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ is a favorite of these left wing communist parasites.
Further legislation regarding ‘hate propaganda, hate bias’ complete with anonymous reporting on ‘anticipated offenses’ has hit the Parliamentary floor on the heels of C-11’s censorship suppression tools that aim to use law enforcement against political dissent.
With the completely inept, impotent and cowardly ‘conservative’ opposition championing the cost of milk amidst all of these worrying developments, expect little success from them to protect you.
Am I fear mongering?
Should you be at all concerned?
Unlike the nearly 100 million victims of the past, we have significant advanced warning and the distinct advantage of mass communication via the internet to reflect on the errors of the past and act accordingly.
If it walks like a duck,
If it quacks like a duck,
If it demands total and complete obedience, censorship, suppression of dissent and criminalization of its opposition while confiscating firearms and implementing state control of food production with a centrally planned economy like a duck,
It’s a communist duck.
No one is coming to help. No one in the establishment system is interested or even capable of doing anything if they wanted to.
If the people themselves don’t organize with the intent of protecting themselves in defiance of this clear and obvious menacing trajectory, we have only ourselves to blame.
When the western Allies marched through the bombed out ruins of Germany’s cities in 1945, they asked some of its newly freed prisoners why they didn’t act to defend themselves before it was too late.
The prisoners responded,
”We thought tomorrow it would get better.”

Complacency kills.
Thank you sir, you capture my sentiments exactly. Your historic references legitimize my suspicions of the nature of our past, and your observances line up with my fear for our future.
We need to be louder and prouder in providing direction and support for the upcoming confused generations.
Dag's sincerity in expressing meaningful change is admirable and hopefully the enlistment will grow to help build a parallel space for sanity to exist.
Keep up the momentum.
Announcing two new Caliphates – East and West Moose-Ilum