The road tour is in its final stretch having endured zero problems or interference from trantifa or any of our domestic enemies whom have proven to be completely impotent beyond internet outrage posting.
It has been a great success and we have spoken to thousands of Canadians from Halifax to Tofino.
We are however on the cusp of a tremendous disaster that few seem to appreciate or see coming.
The demographic replacement happening here is at a pace that could only be exceeded if we were conquered by Ghenghis Khan but the numbers are even worse than they appear.
Already we are outnumbered in our own home when looking at the under 18 age range. The political parties have virtually abandoned pandering to Canadians in favor of winning support from foreigners who will be the future power blocks of the land.
The tenuous and failing grip Canadians have on government and institutional power has been in steady decline. This will worsen exponentially in the near future. The majority of our influence comes from the baby boomer generation, now in their 60s.
In the next ten years, this generation will be retired, into nursing homes and passing away. The following generations are smaller and smaller as we have moved from an average family in the 1970s with four or five children to just one or none today.
Very soon there will be no reason to even pretend to pander to Canadians as we will have no democratic power in our own country. India already occupies 17 federal seats with that number to increase dramatically in the coming years.
“Conservative” Indian MPs are even speaking Punjabi openly in the house of commons. Preferential hiring is being given to migrants in virtually every employment sector, including police and military
Alberta's Premier Danielle Smith is even planning to implement a plan to fast track permanent residence to foreigners that sign up for police duty.
In short, if you feel disenfranchised now — just wait a few more years and it will seem as though the nation was conquered overnight. The proverbial bottom is quite literally about to fall out.
We will only have ourselves to protect and look out for one another as we enter a South Africa style situation where we are a powerless minority at the mercy of foreigners that view us as racist colonizers getting what they deserve.
It is far too late for any political remedy. The votes you need to turn the ship around simply do not exist and the numbers are dropping daily while foreign migrant hordes aged 18-35 pile in like an Indian train station.
But that's the liberal democracy we wanted, right? It only takes 2 years residency to enter the citizenship window and be allowed to vote.
“I'm just as Canadian as you, Saar!”
Who would have thought that the identity of the Canadian people was so cheap and quick to replicate that the only requirements are to stand on the magic soil briefly, wearing a Vancouver Canucks jersey while consuming a Singh Hortons coffee. Presto! Canadian.
Worse still, the back breaking tax burden (one of the highest in world history) is largely being used to facilitate this grotesque transformation.
We are financing our own destruction.
The next five to ten years will feel like the calm before the storm for those of us lucky to survive long enough to look back at a time before there was extreme and widespread ethnic violence that is already in its early stages in Europe.
It is imperative we recognize both the short and long term challenges we face as a people and swiftly act in organizing ourselves with this long term survival strategy in mind. We must choose our own side and act collectively to protect ourselves as a people.
Life is a team sport and we cannot compete with or defeat enemy teams as isolated, atomized, “innawoods” individuals.
Tribe and train, find your friends. The clock is ticking. Build businesses with your own people. Hire your own people. Keep resources, money, time and energy expenses inside the circles of your own people while consciously withdrawing support from anyone that is not.
We will ultimately be the authors of our own demise or our survival depending on the choices we make today.
If being called racist by people that hate you is a barrier to choosing your own side, I'm sorry to inform you that you've already lost. Enjoy your retirement home - I’m sure Gupreet and Palminder will take very good care of you.
No one is coming to save you. The only person that can help you is in the mirror. We only have each other.
Pro Patria
- JM
I will be discontinuing publishing much to substack in the future as it is in the business of cancelling those whos political and world views it disagrees with. It will not permit me to earn a living on this platform. I have pausd paid subscriptions and they will not be reactivated.
If you would like to support my work in the future I will look into an alternative when I return home from this national tour but for the time being, this is as far as Substack and I go.
Thank you all for your support. I will publish an update on where to find and support our efforts in the near future. A lot of things are in the development pipeline.
Take care of each other! Find the others.
This is definitely going to be a hard struggle with many just accepting the status quo of what is going on. It makes me stutter at the number of people just going with the flow. Glad I found you guys, been following you Jeremy since the 10 mil handed out. Glad I have a few close friends that are like minded and we support and barter with each other. Not sure at 62 if I will see the better side of any of this but I am to go down fighting for what should be rather than what is right now.
So sorry to see that the platform has come to this. You are one of the most eloquent writers up here but as you say, we must concentrate more on real life and less on the screen. Thanks again for all your work and we'll see ya on the beach. \\\