From the morning of my initial arrest through the three additional to come in three different provinces over five separate cases to a total of twenty three charges I had adamantly declared my innocence and predicted a complete and total failure by the state to secure a single conviction.
Today I can refer to this in perpetuity as the facts, because that is indeed exactly what happened.
As shocking and unsettling as it is to be singled out as an individual citizen and targeted by federal policing, security and government agencies for the perceived crime of making mouth noises that hurt feelings — you just simply cannot prove something that didn’t happen. I knew as only a person who was there could -from the very beginning - that this was a comically stupid situation of trumped up political gamesmanship and would ultimately fall apart like wet paper towel under competent scrutiny.
I know what’s true and no amount of gaslighting, astroturfing and hack media smear jobs will move me. I’ve been informed by our prestigious CBC that there will be a renewed slam piece on my character for Monday night’s the National - a bedtime story program popular with octogenarians suffering from Alzheimer’s. All my life, CBC has lied about serious matters of extreme consequence.
When I returned from Afghanistan in 2007, I personally witnessed the legendary CBC engage in full blown disinformation about events I and nearly the entirety of my unit had witnessed personally. I knew from that day that CBC lies and it’s been all downhill from there until the final deathblow of CBC’s credibility in the eyes of the public with their unwavering support of a tyrannical regime abusing and murdering its own citizens in the winter of February, 2022.
It surprises no one that CBC along with the rest of dinosaur legacy media that became irrelevant five years ago have apparently no interest in this developing story that they themselves created with their offensively hysterical and feminine behavior. For over two years I have had to endure a character assassination campaign across national media with no equal. I must at this point be in the running for the most lied about and slandered man in national history. An infantry NCO from Pictou, Nova Scotia with an internet podcast.
Way to keep your eye on the ball, fellas.
After two plus years of slapstick, lazy, amateur ‘reporting’ on the boogeyman next door (me), the jury is in and not a single charge stuck. In fact, I was never given the privilege of a jury in a single case which I pursued aggressively.
This was never about punishing criminal acts or locking up a dangerous person. It was always about lawfare to drain me of resources, energy and divert attention away from my work as a professional table tosser. If I got locked up in the end, it was a welcome bonus and an example to anyone else that would dare speak truth to power.
It is indeed fortunate for some that none of these matters ever made the light of day that is a public jury trial. A sanitizing agent of sunlight on the rotten, grimy and corrupt underbelly of what goes on behind the scenes in this comically corrupt nation.
In the name of Zeus, how did we progress to a state of affairs where casual reporting on our government body selling out our country to foreign nations is just another day of the week? When your police and security forces are this ideologically captured and corrupt, should that be any surprise? We stopped caring about real criminals and monsters many years ago. It’s too scary, and we are too soft to confront these malevolent beasts in the light of day. Better to keep occupied with busy work like chasing down internet podcasters for making us look bad. Well done, piglets. How much did this ‘investigation’ cost us, by the way? Dozens of my friends, supporters, associates and even ex girlfriends over a decade old were approached for information (dirt) that could be used against me.
They found nothing.
Had any of these cases gone to public trial, the resulting loss in confidence in police, crown prosecution and the justice system at large would have been significant.
Did you know that the RCMP regularly employ the use of drug addicted alcoholics with multi-decade criminal careers like multiple guilty please to beating women, home invasions, carrying weapons, narcotics and more as “witnesses” to achieve case objectives? I didn’t know that before January 2022, but I do now. It’s too bad that the province of Saskatchewan for example didn’t get to hear about a short, fat, Constable Patterson with sleeve tattoos (adds +10 to toughness!) willingly ignored numerous serious crimes committed by one Bryan Trottier of Quebec in the interest of persecuting me. On orders from higher, I’m sure.
“Jus’ doin’ mah jarb!”, right Fatty Patty?
In the event of a public trial, the public would possibly have to contend with the revelation that prosecutors will break the law and extend national arrest warrants outside of their jurisdiction to execute an arrest for… *checks notes* harassment? Poor, sweet Madame Lacoste is currently embroiled in abuse of process investigation. Shucks!
Or perhaps revealing how the RCMP knowingly stacked a pile of fraudulent charges with no basis in reality or even the most remote prospect of conviction in over a dozen firearm charges while being dismantled by a nationally renowned firearms expert the defense had hired wasn’t an appetizing scenario?
For all that was made of “this video” supposedly portraying drunkenly barging into a man’s business and putting a gun to his head it’s quite strange that video has never surfaced anywhere and the crown and police aren’t interested in showing anyone. When something doesn’t exist, it can sometimes be an obstacle in convincing people it exists.
While I’ve got you here “police”, how’s that motive for the Portipique massacre coming? Gotten anywhere with that yet, or did you just promote yourselves, get raises and quietly put everything away with a dog and pony show of an ‘inquiry’ where real life ditch pig Brenda Lucki couldn’t even be bothered to put on a uniform to address the public?
Ahh see there I go being mean again. That wasn’t the real reason. The real reason was that Brenda was too fat to fit into her dress uniform and it would take the tailors weeks to accommodate. Just dress like a 9th grade social studies teacher you obese train wreck! It’s not like you’re the chief of the entire national police force or anything serious like that.
But now that we’re back to Nova Scotia - seemingly the most corrupt, lazy and unprofessional body of 'professional class’ persons I have ever laid eyes upon in thirty eight years working across the world in a state employ - let’s talk about what Richard Cuthbertson, enthusiastic propagandist for CBC that dresses himself like a fourteen year old boy suffering from low iron and muscle wasting disease neglected to report on.
Reporting and journalism isn’t exactly CBC’s strength. In order to do this effectively, you would need to start at the beginning and follow the story’s twists and turns throughout until its conclusion in order to gain a full and complete as possible a picture on what has transpired. Richard, (I’ll call him Dick from now on) rolled out of bed in the what he clearly slept in the evening before armed with his battered iPhone showed up to get a judge’s ruling on something he hadn’t been remotely paying attention to. CBC isn’t even pretending to work anymore, which is true for nearly everyone drawing a state paycheck in this country.
Our prosecution called Dick to tell him to be there in order to get the headlines to clear Premier Tim Houston, also suffering from muscle wasting and low iron, of political interference in anticipation of an upcoming election and called it a day.
Judge Jill Hartlan who seems to have tremendous difficulty in raising her voice above the decibel level of a field mouse insisted there was no evidence whatsoever of political wrong doing or interference.
Firstly, one cannot ‘prove’ if someone has been politically or unduly influenced by a political office. There is no way to look into someone’s mind and soul and measure how much, if at all, that they have been made to act differently as a result of influence. The law recognizes this, which is why the standard barrier of offense is the APPEARANCE of political influence or impropriety. Does it appear as though this could be happening?
When Ian Burke, head of Corporate Security for the province of Nova Scotia and who testified under oath was acting on behalf of the Premier inserted himself into the situation of a peaceful protest of a dozen individuals quietly standing on a street at night - there was no appearance of influence, according to Mouse Hartlan. When Ian Burke repeatedly called shift commanders of the RCMP, contacts in the Halifax Regional Police demanding updates and status reports of why we had not been arrested yet, acting on behalf of the premier (his words), this is not any appearance of influence.
When Ian Burke attended our bail hearing in March of 2022 to secretly meet with prosecutors where no notes or recordings of any kind were taken while we had outrageous bail conditions placed upon us, there was no appearance of political influence.
I say secretly because the prosecution lied, repeatedly. Unknown to them, because they are very stupid, we had in our possession via FOIPOP that all of this had taken place along with a report written by the provincial Chief Firearms Officer about this meeting. While we were already in possession of this information via irregular means, the crown prosecutors insisted this was a “fishing expedition”, simply didn’t happen and no such thing like this potentially case crushing fact exists. This also, was not of any concern to Judge Mousey.
Nor was it of any concern to Her Mouseness that husband of our prosecutor and original prosecutor on the case, Rick Woodburn who is now the head of Prosecutions at DOJ was escorting Doctor Strang to and from the courthouse, past the security checkpoints and taking him out to lunch not half a kilometer away from the courthouse DURING his own testimony under a witness exclusion order. Doctor Strang is a hero, after all!
Let’s take a look at what’s gotten the dim and dull as he is tall Doctor Strang so upset, considering he is himself a criminal. I assume the province wasn’t keen on this coming out in the trial. I wonder why after two and a half years of diversions and constant pestering from our legal team to hurry up, the case was found to be over the deadline just days before the trial was scheduled to being this week?

Under section 219(1) of the Criminal Code, one is criminally negligent when he or she shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons in the act of doing anything, or in omitting to do anything that is his or her legal duty to do so. Minimum: 4 years incarceration, Maximum: 10 years incarceration or Life.
If any of this wasn't bad enough, a local whistle-blower “Evan” was prepared to testify in court that Strang had gone out of his way to issue him an exemption as a personal favor. Something he has been doing quietly for friends and family - but let everyone else in Nova Scotia be steamrolled by illegal mandates.
In the upside down world of Canada, these weak negligent criminal fools are heroes while Morgan and I are terrorists!
The CBC is a bastion of journalistic integrity, and the people are simply brainwashed by Russian propaganda!
The police are selfless heroes and not a self interested gang of toady millionaires!
Tim Houston is a celebrated leader with impressive chops in handling a crisis and not a timid little man and poser paper gangster with a four dollar haircut!
Robert Strang is a hero and not a man that abused his position and authority to silence dissent, neglected his duty to do no harm to the public health and followed the siren call of money and adulation over his sacred obligation to stand in the best interests of Nova Scotians!
Too little too late for scores of dead and injured at the hands of a negligent and criminal regime that extends from Halifax, to Vancouver, rooted in Ottawa. This tiny partial accounting paints a grim picture of the potential depth and scope of the damage done while these treasonous scum award themselves regular pay raises and give themselves trophies.
CBC and others erroneously reported, in damage control, that it was we the defense that caused the case to fall apart with too many delays. If that were even possible, ever criminal defense in history would be a delay strategy until the time keeper calls the game.
In reality, the state went above and beyond into the realm of criminal mens rea, to “win” a game they had no business playing in the first place. They stifled and stymied and denied access at every turn for this inevitable outcome in order to avoid any of these sensitive subjects coming into the public conversation.
Morgan and I, unlike the province of Nova Scotia, RCMP, CSIS, Tim Houston, Robert Strang, Shelley Deeks, Public Health and the Department of Justice believe you as taxpaying cattle that support the fat cat lives of these wealthy stooges deserve to know the truth about what you’re paying for.
The truth can sometimes be ugly and harsh.
We are governed by traitors and criminals that use their power to jail and silence their citizens.
When I began this crusade against corrupt state power I began it as a fourteen plus year Infantry veteran armed with nothing more than my mouth and my heart that explodes hourly with love and power for my family, friends and community. It commands me just as my Colonels did to march forward, head up and eyes open towards confrontation with the enemy on behalf of our people. I had no criminal record and had never been convicted of a crime in my life.
I am still that Infantry veteran. I still have this big mouth and it has afforded me a large following across the nation of some of the best folks I’ve had the privilege to know and call friends. The ferocity of the fight in my soul has not been tempered but instead emboldened and galvanized by the mind numbing crucible of mind games and lies I was subjected to. My experiences have only strengthened my resolve. My love for our people that have stood by and supported me at some of the more difficult periods of my life has transcended to the ethereal. What was intended to break my spirit only forged a more resolute, robust one. You would hope after so many hundreds of years, the Crown would have learned by now that breaking the spirit of the highland Scotsman is an impossible task.
Unlike in the past as a confused 20 year old who believed I was fighting for Canada in some vague nebulous way, I know now who I belong to and who my people are. To do what I can to deliver them from the grips of these wretched people has been the greatest blessing of my life. I have never felt more content and satisfied with my path.
At twenty three wins and no losses, I do not have a criminal record despite their best efforts.
Whoever tells you that you cannot fight the man and win is either blackpilled, a coward, or both.
The slow march forward has picked up to a light run.
I am not finished.
See you in July.
- JM
As always, my work is free for consumption of the general public but if you would like to support me with a subscription it is much appreciated! You can also find my podcast and social media links at www.ragingdissident.com
Excellent article Jeremy.
The Truth cannot be silenced.
Much respect
Way to go Jeremy, I hope you feel the presence of a million friends behind you; you deserve it.
What a week, what a month, what a decade. I really needed to hear of ‘wins’ today. I can’t believe how miserable I am over the corruption that is being exposed. Everything from who the real heroes were in WWII, how they changed the name from Jew to Bolshevik, secret squirrel clubs of some of the richest, sickest pricks planning our demise. I cannot be the only one that prays for calm because sometimes I feel like I can lose my shit on how far gone we are.
Closer to home, I’m looking around at beggars on the street, the people that roll their windows up to avoid their stares, the fat pigs sitting in the dealership waiting for an oil change, all on their phones totally oblivious to everything around them. I wanted to scream, ‘no wonder we’re losing our country, you fat, lazy disgusting slobs!’
Not a good look, huh? You made it better Jeremy by boosting my resolve to fight back. That’s what you do my friend; you give power to truth.